
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2021
  Pressure and temperature of the atmosphere obtained from the gases that make up it.   Author; Rogelio Pérez C Summary; There is a global problem known as climate change, which consists of an increase in the temperature of the atmosphere, the main focus on this problem is a theory known as the greenhouse effect, This greenhouse effect is attributed almost 33°C of average temperature on the planet. The main greenhouse gases are CO2 and methane, which are also the ones with the least volume in the atmosphere, which is contrary to all known science for the temperature of a gas. As the problem is the increase in the temperature of the atmosphere, and this is a gas, i will use the laws of the gases to present the contributions of the temperature and pressure for each of the main gases that make up the atmosphere in dry air. Introduction There is a global problem known as climate change, which consists in the increase of temperature of the atmosphere, the science understands t